Neshobe Golf Club224 Town Farm Rd
Brandon, VT 05733
United States
Google map and directions
Event contact
Larry CupoliGET REAL with the Rutland County Republicans at the:
28th Annual John Bloomer Memorial Golf Tournament
Thursday, June 27, 2024
Sponsored once again by Rutland GOPAC
Balls in the air at 1pm shotgun, happy half-hour at 5:15, dinner at 6 pm. Program to follow.
Come and greet, meet, try to beat our terrific Rutland GOP delegation. Lots of “veto-proof”
prizes, longest drive, and closest to the pin.
Prize for Hole-In-One #10 = A Ford Vehicle!
Dinner Sponsorship: $1250 (includes foursome & hole sponsor)
Eagle sponsor - $1500 (Includes foursome, hole sponsorship, and Special recognition)
Birdie sponsor - $600 (Includes foursome and tee sponsor)
Par sponsor – $450 (Foursome)
Bogie – $150 (Hole sponsorship)
Golf - $125
Dinner - $30
___Yes! I’d like to be Dinner Sponsor
___Yes! I’d like to be an Eagle Sponsor
___Yes! I’d like to be a Birdie Sponsor
___Yes! I’d like to be a Par Sponsor
___Yes! I’d like to be a Bogie Sponsor
___Yes! I’d just like to play some golf! ($125/individual)
___Yes! I’d just like dinner! ($30) If coming for dinner only, show up around 5:30
Please make checks payable to Rutland GOPAC and send with entries to:
Rutland GOPAC
P.O. Box 173
Rutland, VT 05701
Contact: Larry Cupoli at [email protected] or Peter Fagan at [email protected].