Practical Actions You Can Take by Debbie Wuthnow
Courtesy of iVoterGuide
As we all know, voting is effective only insofar as people participate and legitimate votes are counted correctly. Now that early voting for the 2022 General Election is nearly upon us, it’s crucial to be reminded of the actions you can take to preserve our liberty.
In recent years, election fraud has been the focus of much attention. As citizens work with state legislatures to enact laws that make voting more secure—and stop destructive federal overreach—do you know that it is within your power to make a difference right now?
Less than twenty percent of those eligible actually vote, and even fewer take part in facilitating the voting process, which is essential to free and fair elections. I want to give you an overview of three things that you can do this season besides casting your vote:
Practical Actions to Actively Participate in the Election Process
1. Become a volunteer voter registrar or hold a voter registration drive.
Millions of eligible voters are missing from America’s political decision-making process. While many complain about voter integrity, one of the simplest ways the effects of fraud are countered is when like-minded people register to vote and show up at the polls. Once registered, people are more likely to take the next step and vote. Honest voter registration is a safeguard against fraudulent registration, and YOU can help.
Nearly one out of every two Christians who are eligible to vote do not consistently take advantage of this tremendous opportunity. Imagine the impact even a registration drive at just one church can have! One of our partners provides everything you need to hold a registration drive at your own church. You can access it here.
In some states, you can apply to become a deputy voter registrar who collects and submits completed registration forms. Other states do not provide a deputy registrar program, but they make registration forms available for individuals and organizations to hand out at registration drives. Contact your county elections office to find out how you can help register voters. This is an ideal time as we approach the November 8 election.
2. Become an election worker.
Election workers facilitate the voting process on election day. It wasn’t until later in life that I became aware that this opportunity is open to people like you and me. By working at a local polling location, you take responsibility for protecting the right to vote and the security of part of the process. It’s also a great chance to meet your neighbors!
You can sign up to be an election worker here through the U.S. Election Assistance Commission. You may be paid a nominal wage for your service. Training is usually provided through your county elections office. Your duties may include:
Setting up and packing up the voting equipment at the polling location
Making sure voters are registered in the county in which they are voting
Transporting the ballots and election equipment back to your county elections office—a major responsibility!
Guarding against electioneering (illegal campaigning) at the polling location
How important are poll workers, you ask? In a 2004 Tennessee election, a vigilant poll worker caught one lady trying to vote in her deceased sister’s name. In a 2010 primary in Dallas, a poll worker attempted to use another person’s registration information to cast a fraudulent vote. Her attempt was thwarted, thankfully, by another poll worker who was honest.
The integrity of those entrusted with administering our elections are critically important—and the opportunity is available to you.
3. Become a poll watcher or observer.
Accountability is a key component to an honest election. Volunteer poll watchers observe the voting process at the polling location. As a poll watcher, you make sure election workers are enforcing and observing the law and that no illegal electioneering is taking place.
Poll watcher (also called election observer) duties may include:
- Alerting an election worker to potential errors or violations in facilitating the voting
- Documenting all observations and reporting any incidents
Observing the setting up and dismantling of election equipment, and the handling of ballots at the end of the night
Poll watchers may be appointed by a political candidate or political party. In addition, election observers may be needed at the location where ballots are counted, not only where the voting takes place.
You can find information on your state requirements for election observers here as well as training through a resource provided by one of our partners here. Be sure to contact your county elections office for specific information.
Does it make a difference? Yes, it does!
At a time when people feel helpless and don’t believe they can make a difference, have no doubt . . . YOU CAN. We need trustworthy citizens like yourself to step up and fill these positions. Often the most important jobs are not the most glamorous. Citizen action is by far the most effective way to engage your neighbors in voting, protect election integrity, and ultimately preserve our freedoms.
I am greatly encouraged by these iVoterGuide users who have told us how they are taking action:
“I am a judge [election worker] at our voting area. I have been now for several years. Yes it does make a difference. Thank you again for sharing this information.”
“I volunteered to be a poll worker in my county in GA.”
“I was an Election Inspector in my community … for the primary and will again be serving in November.”
It’s tempting to think preserving our freedom can only be accomplished by bold, sweeping measures. In reality, it is often local, behind-the-scenes, sometimes unnoticed acts of service that make the biggest difference. Sometimes, the most effective action you can take is simply doing your part, refusing to give up, and leaving the rest to God.
These roles will be filled by someone. The question is, who? Will it be people like yourself who desire to preserve freedom, or will it be those set on gaining political power, no matter what?
In the coming months—in each county, community, and polling place—someone will hold a registration drive, apply to be an election worker, or sign up as a poll watcher. Multiplied by each county throughout the nation, these actions have a compounding effect, for good or bad. It all depends on who steps into the roles.
What will you do in the next few months to preserve our freedom and values?